Supplications and remembrances for mornings and evenings
Subhanal-Lāh. (thirty-three times) Al-Ĥamdu Lillāh. (thirty-three times) Allāhu 'Akbar. (thirty-four times)
‘In Your name O Allah, I live and die.’
Aisha narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to say at night if he turned during sleep: ‘None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, The One, AL-Qahhar.Lord of the heavens and the Earth and all between them, The Exalted in Might, The Oft-Forgiving.’ AL-Qahhar:The One Who has subdued all of creation and Whom all of creation are subservient to. All movements occur by His will
‘I take refuge in the perfect words of Allah from His anger and punishment, and from the evil of His servants, and from the madness and appearance of devils.’
‘The righteous dream is from Allah and the bad dream is from the devil, so if anyone sees something which pleases him then he should only relate it to one whom he loves...' Summary of what to do upon having a bad dream: Spit on your left three times Spit: A form of spitting comprising mainly of air with little spittle. Seek refuge in Allah from shaytan and the evil of what you saw Do not relate it to anyone Turn and sleep on the opposite side to which you were sleeping on previously
When night falls (i.e. Al-Maghrib), restrain your children (from going out) because at such time the devils spread about. After a period of time has passed, let them be. Shut your doors and mention Allah's name, for verily the devil does not open a shut door, tie up your water-skins and mention Allah's name, cover your vessels with anything and mention Allah's name and put out your lamps.
اللّهُـمَّ بِكَ أَمْسَـينا، وَبِكَ أَصْـبَحْنا، وَبِكَ نَحْـيا، وَبِكَ نَمـوتُ وَإِلَـيْكَ المَصـير'O Allah, by your leave we have reached the morning and by Your leave we have reached the evening, by Your leave we live and die and unto You is our resurrection.' 'O Allah, by Your leave we have reached the evening and by Your leave we have reached the morning, by Your leave we live and die and unto You is our return.'