The Rabbana duas are the 40 duas mentioned in the Qur'an, which begin with the Arabic word 'Rabbana' (رَبَّنَا) meaning 'Our Rabb'. These are some of the best duas a person can learn, memorize, and recite.
Rabbana taqabbal minnaa innaka Antas Samee’ul Aleem
“Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed You are the Hearing, the Knowing”
– 2:127 –
Rabbana waj’alnaa muslimaini laka wa min zurriyyatinaaa ummatam muslimatal laka wa arinaa manaasikanaa wa tub ‘alainaa innaka antat Tawwaabur Raheem
“Our Lord, and make us Muslims [in submission] to You and from our descendants a Muslim nation [in submission] to You. And show us our rites [of worship] and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting of Repentance, the Merciful”
– 2:128 –
Rabbana atina fid dunyaa hasanatanw wa fil aakhirati hasanatanw wa qinaa azaaban Naar
“Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire”
– 2:201 –
Rabbana afrigh ‘alainaa sabranw wa sabbit aqdaamanaa wansurnaa ‘alal qawmil kaafireen
“Our Lord, pour upon us patience and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people”
– 2:250 –
Rabbana laa tu’aakhiznaaa in naseenaaa aw akhtaanaa
“Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred”
– 2:286 –
Rabbana wa laa tahmil-‘alainaaa isran kamaa hamaltahoo ‘alal-lazeena min qablinaa
“Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us”
– 2:286 –
Rabbana wa laa tuhammilnaa maa laa taaqata lanaa bih; wa’fu ‘annaa waghfir lanaa warhamnaa; Anta mawlaanaa fansurnaa ‘alal qawmil kaafireen
“Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people”
– 2:286 –
Rabbana laa tuzigh quloobanaa ba’da iz hadaitanaa wa hab lanaa mil ladunka rahmah; innaka antal Wahhaab
“Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower”
– 3:8 –
Rabbanaaa innaka jaami ‘un-naasil Yawmil laa raibafeeh; innal laaha laa yukhliful mee’aad
“Our Lord, surely You will gather the people for a Day about which there is no doubt. Indeed, Allah does not fail in His promise”
– 3:9 –
Rabbanaaa innanaaa aamannaa faghfir lanaa zunoobanaa wa qinaa ‘azaaban Naar
“Our Lord, indeed we have believed, so forgive us our sins and protect us from the punishment of the Fire”
– 3:16 –
Rabbanaaa aamannaa bimaaa anzalta wattaba’nar Rasoola faktubnaa ma’ash shaahideen
“Our Lord, we have believed in what You revealed and have followed the messenger [i.e., Jesus], so register us among the witnesses [to truth].”
– 3:53 –
Rabbanagh fir lanaa zunoobanaa wa israafanaa feee amrinaa wa sabbit aqdaamanaa wansurnaa ‘alal qawmil kaafireen
“Our Lord, forgive us our sins and the excess [committed] in our affairs and plant firmly our feet and give us victory over the disbelieving people.”
– 3:147 –
Rabbanaa maa khalaqta haaza baatilan Subhaanaka faqinaa ‘azaaban Naar
“Our Lord, You did not create this aimlessly; exalted are You [above such a thing]; then protect us from the punishment of the Fire.”
– 3:191 –
Rabbanaaa innaka man tudkhilin Naara faqad akhzai tahoo wa maa lizzaalimeena min ansaar
“Our Lord, indeed whoever You admit to the Fire – You have disgraced him, and for the wrongdoers there are no helpers.”
– 3:192 –
Rabbanaaa innanaa sami’naa munaadiyai yunaadee lil eemaani an aaminoo bi Rabbikum fa aamannaa
“Our Lord, indeed we have heard a caller, calling to faith, [saying], ‘Believe in your Lord,’ and we have believed.”
– 3:193 –
Rabbanaa faghfir lanaa zunoobanaa wa kaffir ‘annaa saiyi aatina wa tawaffanaa ma’al abraar
“Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove from us our misdeeds and cause us to die among the righteous.”
– 3:193 –
Rabbanaa wa aatinaa maa wa’attanaa ‘alaa Rusulika wa laa tukhzinaa Yawmal Qiyaamah; innaka laa tukhliful mee’aad
“Our Lord, and grant us what You promised us through Your messengers and do not disgrace us on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, You do not fail in [Your] promise.”
– 3:194 –
Rabbanaaa aamannaa faktubnaa ma’ash shaahideen
“Our Lord, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses.”
– 5:83 –
Rabbanaaa anzil ‘alainaa maaa’idatam minas samaaa’i takoonu lanaa ‘eedal li awwalinaa wa aakhirinaa wa Aayatam minka warzuqnaa wa Anta khairur raaziqeen
“O Allah, our Lord, send down to us a table [spread with food] from the heaven to be for us a festival for the first of us and the last of us and a sign from You. And provide for us, and You are the best of providers.”
– 5:114 –
Rabbanaa zalamnaaa anfusanaa wa illam taghfir lanaa wa tarhamnaa lanakoonanna minal khaasireen
“Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.”
– 7:23 –
Rabbanaa laa taj’alnaa ma’al qawmiz zaalimeen
“Our Lord, do not place us with the wrongdoing people.”
– 7:47 –
Rabbanaf-tah bainana wa baina qawmina bil haqqi wa anta Khairul Fatiheen
“Our Lord, decide between us and our people in truth, and You are the best of those who give decision.”
– 7:89 –
Rabbanaaa afrigh ‘alainaa sabranw wa tawaffanaa muslimeen
“Our Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims [in submission to You].”
– 7:126 –
Rabbana la taj’alna fitnatal lil-qawmidh-Dhalimeen ; 86. wa najjina bi- Rahmatika minal qawmil kafireen
“Our Lord, make us not [objects of] trial for the wrongdoing people. And save us by Your mercy from the disbelieving people.”
– 10:85-86 –
Rabbanaaa innaka ta’lamu maa nukhfee wa maa nu’lin; wa maa yakhfaa ‘alal laahi min shai’in fil ardi wa laa fis samaaa
“Our Lord, indeed You know what we conceal and what we declare, and nothing is hidden from Allah on the earth or in the heaven.”
– 14:38 –
Rabbij ‘alnee muqeemas Salaati wa min zurriyyatee Rabbanaa wa taqabbal du’aaa
“My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and [many] from my descendants. Our Lord, and accept my supplication.”
– 14:40 –
Rabbanagh fir lee wa liwaalidaiya wa lilmu’mineena Yawma yaqoomul hisaab
“Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers the Day the account is established.”
– 14:41 –
Rabbanaaa aatinaa mil ladunka rahmatanw wa haiyi’ lanaa min amrinaa rashadaa
“Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance.”
– 18:10 –
Rabbanaaa innanaa nakhaafu ai yafruta ‘alainaaa aw ai yatghaa
“Our Lord, indeed we are afraid that he will hasten [punishment] against us or that he will transgress.”
– 20:45 –
Rabbanaaa aamannaa faghfir lanaa warhamnaa wa Anta khairur raahimeen
“Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us and have mercy upon us, and You are the best of the merciful.”
– 23:109 –
Rabbanas rif ‘annnaa ‘azaaba Jahannama inn ‘azaabahaa kaana gharaamaa 66. Innahaa saaa’at mustaqarranw wa muqaamaa
“Our Lord, avert from us the punishment of Hell. Indeed, its punishment is ever adhering; Indeed, it is evil as a settlement and residence.”
– 25:65-66 –
Rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa zurriyaatinaa qurrata a’yuninw waj ‘alnaa lilmuttaqeena Imaamaa
“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us a leader [i.e., example] for the righteous.”
– 25:74 –
Rabbana la Ghafurun shakur
“Our Lord is Forgiving and Appreciative”
– 35:34 –
Rabbanaa wasi’ta kulla shai’ir rahmatanw wa ‘ilman faghfir lillazeena taaboo wattaba’oo sabeelaka wa qihim ‘azaabal Jaheem
“Our Lord, You have encompassed all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who have repented and followed Your way and protect them from the punishment of Hellfire.”
– 40:7 –
Rabbana wa adhkhilhum Jannati ‘adninil-lati wa’attahum wa man salaha min aba’ihim wa azwajihim wa dhuriyyatihim innaka antal ‘Azizul-Hakim, 9. waqihimus saiyi’at wa man taqis-saiyi’ati yawma’idhin faqad rahimatahu wa dhalika huwal fawzul-‘Adheem
“Our Lord, and admit them to gardens of perpetual residence which You have promised them and whoever was righteous among their forefathers, their spouses and their offspring. Indeed, it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. And protect them from the evil consequences [of their deeds]. And he whom You protect from evil consequences that Day – You will have given him mercy. And that is the great attainment.”
– 40:8-9 –
Rabbanagh fir lanaa wa li ikhwaani nal lazeena sabqoonaa bil eemaani wa laa taj’al fee quloobinaa ghillalil lazeena aamanoo
“Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts [any] resentment toward those who have believed.”
– 59:10 –
Rabbannaaa innaka Ra’oofur Raheem
“Our Lord, indeed You are Kind and Merciful.”
– 59:10 –
Rabbanaa ‘alaika tawakkalnaa wa ilaika anabnaa wa ilaikal maseer
“Our Lord, upon You we have relied, and to You we have returned, and to You is the destination.”
– 60:4 –
Rabbana laa taj’alnaa fitnatal lillazeena kafaroo waghfir lanaa rabbanaaa innaka antal azeezul hakeem
“Our Lord, make us not [objects of] torment for the
disbelievers and forgive us, our Lord. Indeed, it is
You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.”
– 60:5 –
Rabbanaaa atmim lanaa nooranaa waghfir lana innaka ‘alaa kulli shai’in qadeer
“Our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us. Indeed, You are over all things competent.”
– 66:8 –